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Picturing an Abundant Queer Future

Sat,Jun 22, 2024 @ 12:00 pm 6:00 pm

The American LGBTQ+ Museum, alongside Sara Elise, welcome you to the historic Weeksville Heritage Center for a celebration of Queer life, as we collectively co-create a future historical photo archive of present-day Queer NYC, making our own images that depict what it looks like for our community to rest, enjoy ourselves, and play together.

We’ve all seen and studied images of our Queer family at rallies and protests, fighting and striving for our hard-won rights. And it seems we hear of and experience more tragedy each day, reminding us that there is always more work to be done for all of us to feel safe and be free. And while our history and our struggle should not be undermined or erased, this is not the full picture of who we are as Queer people in community together. Where are representations of our joy and celebration? Where are representations of our rest and softness.

How can new images of us resting, playing, and posing with our loved ones reflect a more complete picture of who we are and how we tenderly create community together, in the midst of pain and struggle?

The day is framed by the prompts, “What does your rest look like? What does your play look like?” — helping us all to ask ourselves questions that, particularly as members of marginalized communities, we don’t often hear or give ourselves permission to consider.

After the photography component, guests will learn more about the vision and inspiration behind the event before diving into a dynamic panel, featuring photographer Lola Flash, photographer Naima Green, and co-founder of BLK MKT Vintage Kiyanna Handy, about the importance of queer history and being in charge of our own narratives, led by The American LGBTQ+ Museum. Guests will then be encouraged to participate in a “Summer Camp”-themed field game led by Sara Elise.

Throughout the day, guests are encourage to reflect on:

  • The importance of archiving for queer history
  • How can we create a future archive of queer history that we feel is actually representative of us?
  • What does it look like for us to create the realistic and reflective imagery of who we are; to be the narrators in our stories versus just observing what is being told of us?
  • How do we visually create the history we want to be remembered by? How do we amplify historically-silenced histories?
  • What does it look like for us to be in control of our own archiving?
  • How do we positively manipulate or influence future history?

There will be DJ sets from iconic queer DJ’s Boston Chery and Adair throughout the day; snacks by @HarvestandRevel Catering; food by @EatDearHenry; and signed copies of A Recipe for More: Ingredients for a Life of Abundance and Ease available for purchase.

Participants can sign up for a timed slot to pose with artist + photographer Khaleb Brooks as an add-on to your ticket. Once the project is complete, all photos will live in an online archive representing what it means to be Queer and in New York at this moment.


11:30AM: Doors open at Weeksville Heritage Center

12:00-2:00PM: Participants arrive for their timed photo slots. Photo participants are encouraged to bring their own props that represent their family, heritage, and culture, or pose with some of the historical objects provided by BLK MKT Vintage. While waiting for their appointments, guests can delight in the provided snacks and set up their blankets to enjoy a DJ set on The Meadow by DJ Boston Chery.

2:00PM: Dear Henry is available vending delicious lunch options to guests on The North Lawn. Get a meal, hydrate, and rest before the panel begins.

2:30PM: Join Sara Elise in learning more about the vision behind the event, and in welcoming The American LGBTQ+ Museum’s Director of Programs and Partnerships, Suhaly Bautista-Carolina, who will be moderating a panel featuring Lola Flash, Naima Green, and Kiyanna Handy, discussing what it looks like to create realistic and reflective imagery of our communities, to be the architects of future historical photo archives, and how to be the narrator of our own stories versus just observing what is being told about us. The panelists will also be discussing the importance of amplifying historically-silenced histories, the difference between restorative and transformative history, and how we can gather together to re-imagine and thus re-create a future history for ourselves that more accurately represents who we are as a community.

3:15PM: Sara Elise will share some prompts for consideration for the remainder of the day, while guests are encouraged to rest and eat.

3:30PM: Participate in a group “Summer Camp”-themed field game on The North Lawn.

4:30-6:00PM: Hangout, rest on the lawn, dance, and enjoy some summer beats by DJ Adair.